Saturday, November 8, 2008


Posted by Picasaso here i kick off the daily trivia section on Q-BIT blog with a simple connect.go 4 it .simply connect the three pics for a one word answer.


  1. aamir khan=bhuvan in lagaan
    isro=bhuvan in space=google earth ka baap


  2. bhuvan, d indian version of google earth

  3. Seems to me like some angry terrorist looking for isro missiles to blow up the place.. 2 possible answers which come to ma mind are...

  4. the connects bhuvan
    with 1 being aamir khans character in lagaan, 2 being the isros logo for bhuvan and 3 being a google earth map of *grin* BIT mesra, whose indianised version is bhuvan

  5. Bhuvan, meaning earth, is the addition to the numerous scientific innovations by SAC and is a satellite mapping tool, just like Google Earth or Wikimapia, but allows you to zoom far closer than the aerial view from a chopper

  6. amir->Director of 'taare jameen par'
    google earth ->shows jameen
    isro->searches for stars
    connects "taare jameen par"

  7. the other answer may be that aamir will be performing in bit mesra next jan and isro will be taking areal pics from space for seurity of bit*******
    **note**areal pis of bit
    i think dis s the best answer nd plz mail me if i win any prizes or contact me
    hostel 5a rm-343

  8. yaar sab bhuvan keh rahe hain to BHUVAN hi hoga answer... aur ke

  9. taare zameen par jo bola salutations to u.......
    garda answer tha boss..........

    babu tumko prize chahiye na..u r the lucky winner of our bumper prize ....its a g***d pe laat.....i will personally come over to ur hostel n deliver it to u........


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