Monday, November 10, 2008

daily trivia-03

Long, long ago, there was a sage in India named -------who lived in a forest. His
hair was matted and he was covered with tree growth after years of meditating in
the same place. A young princess was blindfolded and dancing in the forest when
her hands touched the hair of the sage. Her father, the king, explained to the sage
that it was the custom in his country that a woman could only touch one man in
her lifetime. He thus requested the sage to marry to daughter. He asked if he could
have two months to prepare for the wedding for he wished to be young again so as
to afford his wife conjugal bliss. Thereupon, he developed the recipe for longevity
that has remained India's most popular remedy, some say for 2000 years, others
since the times of the Vedas. Identify the rishi?


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