Thursday, November 6, 2008


1.In the 1920's 1930's they were provided by Shaftesbury Homes.From 1946 , this service was provided by volunteers from school.Candidates have to be in year 9 and 10 have no exams,should be able to give priority to training,should be physically fit,and also understand that absence for any reason lasting for two weeks or longer may result in faliure to qualify for further training.Finally a total of appox 250 students are chosen from around 700 applicants .In order to qualify for full training,student must pass a written test on the rules,be able to run at a sustained pace for 12 minutes,be able to complete a circuit & then stand still for 3 minutes,show good speed in shuttle runs and pass tests of hand/eye co ordination.Who are these "Chosen Ones" ? Wimbledon Ball Boys/Gals

2.* While bouncers are common now,in 1893,it would have been unthinkable for a bowler to use those tactics as it was used, in this,historic match.The Umpire would have surely objected. Also,matches with only one innings a side are relatively recent occurence.In the late 1890s even friendly matches lasting only 1-2 days had 2 innings each,so it is very unlikely that this match would last only 1 innings.Also ,even if the match lasted 1 innigs each as long as the chasing team didnt lose all their wickets,and they had not scored as much as the opposition they wud nt lose the match but simply draw it...Which match? LAGAAN

3.Logo? Second life

4)Connect bulldozer,bobcat,fusion.... AMD Processors

5) Wher wud u find "the lovers" ,"The chariot", "Justice","The wheel of fortune","The hanged man","death","temperature","tower"? TAROT CARDS

6) Where the people meet the people... MADAM TUSSADS

7)The Gandhmadana hill ranges in Orissa attract Botanist from all over the world.Connect to hindu mythology....HANUMAN BROUGHT SANJIAVNI frm here

8) Spanish for high view...ALTAVISTA

9)Which company...(due to bad XEROX quality..v have given BOTH AAMIR KHAN PRODUCTIONS and AVAST ANTIVIRUS as correct)

10)Which international Sportsperson owns fashion store called CR7...C.Ronaldo

11)Who in Alice in wonderland dissappears with its grin the last thing visible...CHESIRE CAT

12)Expand PVR..Priya Village Roadshow

13)Connect Gulliver Travels,Shammi Kapoor,360... YAHOO

14) The first occasion was the American Independance Day,4th July 2000.The second one was on Bastille day.Many more such occasions followed including the Korean independance day in 2001 and Edward Munch's Birthday.What is being discussed..?(CAUSED A RAGE DURING BEIJING OLYMPICS..) Google Doodle

a)Collide with destiny:TITANIC
b)An adventure 65 million years in the making:Juraasic Park

16)*On July 2001,about a dozen early employees met to mull over the founder's directive to elucidate their core values.The meeting soon became clutterd with the kind of easy and safe corporate cliches that everyone supports,but that carry little impact like TREAT EVERY1 WITH RESPECT or BE ON TIME FOR MEETINGS,etc.The engineers in the room were rolling their eyes.Thats wen Paul Buchheit,another engineer, in the grp,blurted out the words that wud become the most famous in GOOGLE's corp history...? Which words? DONT B EVIL

17)The australian postal service honors x FOR his contribution and they gave the postal code y?

18)What is known as GOD's Algorithm? WAY TO SOLVE RUBIK's Cube...

19)Which Indian Organization's logo is a flame held up by a pair of hands ? LIC

20)Connect :Treasure Island,Billycock Hill,Smugglers Top,Finniston Farm,Demon Rock and Mystery Moor.... Title of the Famous Five Series

21)The Maoists in Nepal recently announced their intention to put an end to a 200 year old tradition because of its colonial origin and also because it seemed to compromise the loyalty to the nation .This caused a furore in Central Nepal,the poorest region of the country .What?

22)The crown of the palace was put together using material sourced from Makrana.This choice was to prove crucial becase the texture of the material was to change in response to changes in light over the day.What are v talkin about? TAJ MAHAL

23)This auction was known as 'Bid for the TITLE'.Vodafone lost,so did TITAN,RELIANCE.What is being referred? IPL TITLE sponsorship.....DLF WON

24)The ever-ready mechanical pencil was created by this company.The name of this company bears a relation to this product of theirs too.... SHARP

25)Which sanskrit word means "Science of long life" AYURVED


  1. kudos to ppl hu hv answered q.9 as avast antivirus,tho it wasn the answer we were xpectin(aamir han production).it stumped both us quizmasters tht avast's logo had such close resemblance wid aamir khan productions......we hence hv accepted both as right answers.

    plz be there for the finals of the mastermind-"quiriosity-the quiz" on saturday.....rnd seminar hall for more mind boggling trivia

  2. most interesting answer we had found , was for question no.4.....quite a few teams had guessd "bob the builder"......not a bad guess at all.....

  3. there had been some doubts over question 7.answer to which we had stated as the sanjeevni booty....we apologize as after some actual research work we eventually came to kno tht "Gandhamadana Parvatam is the highest point in the island of Rameshwaram" n not orissa as we had copy,pasted from a less authentic fact Legend has it that Hanuman leaped from this hillock to reach the Lanka kingdom.n regarding the original sanjeevni booty it gets mention in the holy Ramayana when Lakshaman was injured during the fight with Meghnaad. To revive him, who fell unconscious, Hanuman flew to Drona Parvat and brought the sanjivani booty.


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