Saturday, February 28, 2009


A: I find a parallel in human psychology. Our passions and desires are unruly, but our character subdues these elements into a harmonious whole. Does something similar to this happen in the physical world? Are the elements rebellious, dynamic with individual impulse? And is there a principle in the physical world which dominates them and puts them into an orderly organization?

B: Even the elements are not without statistical order; elements of radium will always maintain their specific order, now and ever onward, just as they have done all along. There is, then, a statistical order in the elements.

A: Otherwise, the drama of existence would be too desultory. It is the constant harmony of chance and determination which makes it eternally new and living.

B: I believe that whatever we do or live for has its causality; it is good, however, that we cannot see through to it.

ID A and B.


  1. A : Rabindranath Tagore

    B : Albert Einstein

    Very intellectual talk..things like these make me believe all are not born equally intelligent!!

  2. A:Rabindranath Tagore
    B:Albert Einstein

  3. pbairefngvba orgjrra nyoreg rvafgrva naq enovaqenangu gntber


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