Tuesday, April 28, 2009

DAILY TRIVIA # 89 Dits & Dahs



  1. googles celebration for samuel morses birthday

  2. the doodle is for samuel morse's birthday(morse code).

  3. Hi.

    My name is Raveesh, I'm from Bangalore. I am working on an ambitious project of unifying all QuizBlogs in India..

    Visit the portal www.quizblog.in

    I would want to list your blog in the Blog Catalog since I found your questions very interesting, informative and at the same time found your blog active.

    The site is in Beta state and I am the only one working on it. It would be great if you could spend some valuable time in the portal and write back to me with your feedback.

    Let me know if I can list your blog in the site.

    I can be reached at raveeshworldwide AT gmail DOT com


  4. Samuel F. B. Morse’s Birthday


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