Friday, August 28, 2009


Team QBIT ardently welcomed the freshers to catch a glimpse of college quizzing in Technieek '09
and oh yes !!
what a response we had!!
The CAT(closed air audi)was HOUSE FUL for the prelims hosted by yours truly on 20th aug thursday 4.15pm.
Some of the questions being
1.who hosts the show "dadagiri unlimited"?
2.which TV show is promoted with the lines "where love is war?"
3.why is roulette called "devil's ring?"
4.who is the only sportsperson to have won rajiv gandhi khel ratna,dronacharya and arjuna award??
and 21 others that will be shared in due course..
KUDOS to TANMAY(that last minute rescue-op your laptop,that led to system crash!!
God u just recovered the quiz ppt somehow)and PRABHAKAR(I know its tough not to ask a AR Rehman question in a quiz for u) for the mind boggling research and effort put in framing the questions and PPTs
especially the audio/visuals....
that included the national anthem with junta giving it,its due respect!!
Ankur Gandotra the logistics man!!our PR,HR...deserves a special mention..
of course Nikhil Dubey who happened to serependipitously witness the quiz as a QUIZ VETERAN..

Last and not the least Ashwyn CS for being the "last man standing"..
for hosting the finals with his unique south indian "ANNAessness"and quintessence

FINAL STANDINGS and congratulations!!

1st : Aditya Gourav (BE/1336/09) , Pranshumaan (BE/1292/09) Team-
2nd : Nikhil Satya Mantha (BE/1394/08) , Vrashank Jain (BE/1391/08) Team-Zeroes.
3rd : S.Ramamurthy (BE/1257/08) , Gautham Harinarayan (BE/1250/08)
Team- Sol Invictus
4th : Dominic Mathew (BARC/1040/07) , Maharshi (BARC/1026/07)
5th: Ayas Ranjan (BE/1026/08) , Kaustav K. Bose (BE/1029/08) Team-
Demented Momentum
6th : Ajay Cyril (BE/1341/08) , Hitesh A Gupta (BE/1374/08) Team- Chingaari


  1. apart frm a few Final questions were nt upto the mark..

  2. bouquets and brickbats are always welcome in the same spirit.....

    cud u suggest where v cud improve... we will make up fr it in IEI event just after midsems... frm 16 SEPT...

    hope u do take part...

    c ya there...

  3. i mean there were nt questions frm around the world....
    Sports n entertainment....u seem 2 ve forgot this part
    apart frm the gopichand one(4th question here) there were noother qns.

  4. nice to see coming up with ur views.
    Ayas agree with u that there were few questions from sports
    3 in the finals & 2 in the prelims.(apart frm gopichand there were ques on bolt & djokovick in the finals.)
    nxt time will try to give this one more weightage.
    But entertainment naah!!! there were around 10 ent ques in the finals.
    keep coming up with ur views gud or bad.

  5. thnx...
    nice 2 c all of a quizzes organized by 1 single group..


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