Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I HATE CONNECTS so here is one for u.......



Answer:jerry seinfeld.He co wrote co produced and also gave voice to barry bee benson,in the "bee movie".The first is a picture of PORSCHE.Jerry seinfeld supposedly is the largest porsche collector with a current tally of 46.


  1. Wreel Frvasvryq. Gung thl unf fbzr Cbefpur Pbyyrpgvba..... I wish I had even one :)

  2. The connect is Jerry Seinfield , the producer of The Bee Movie and having one of the largest collections of Porshe 911 (1st pic) in the world and probably the first ever Porshe 911

  3. This connect could have been a bit better framed with another pic/ clue in it. Otherwise its a bit arbit


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