Monday, December 14, 2009


video clip descripton: Hrishkesh mukherji's Chupke Chupke.

Asrani is on the phone with Dharmendra, who has just informed him of his engagement.During the conversation, the line gets disconnected to which asrani says "yeh telephone waale bhi i tell you...inhe sudhaarne ka ek hi tarika hai - _________"

connect to this person


  1. zvfn
    anna,video dekhna pada ki asrani used this word.

  2. Okay i dont know how to use these funny codes but had to answer this fundoo question..MISA

  3. It's actually MESA - Maintenance of Essential Services Act. This was brought about in 70's (not sure why), and Laluprasad Yadav, in order to mock the act, named his Daughter Mesa Bharati.

  4. its MISA ,maintenannce of internal security act ,which came into being arnd the time mrs gandhi put the country in a state of emergency and not MESA


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