Sunday, April 4, 2010

DAILY TRIVIA # 242 Qurious Five!!!

Fivey returns after a long time on a lazy Sunday.And this time its an auto special.Vrooooooom.GO!!!

1.Erstwhile logo of which company?

Answer: Proton,Malaysia.
2.An ad for which company?

Answer: BMW(the famous double kidney grille)
3.Identify the guy & what is he doing?

Answer: Michael Vaughan creating the the world’s biggest “artballing” painting – a 16 by five foot image of a Chevrolet Cruze.
4.Which famous cosmetics tycoon X is she portraying here and why is X figured here in an auto special?(hint: d Colour says it all.)

Answer: Mary Kay Ash & the Pink Cadillac.

5.How is the light signal meant to start the race shown in this pic known as?
Answer: Christmas Tree as used in Drag Racing.


  1. 2.BMW
    4.Mary Kay Ash,purchased the first pink Cadillac
    5.Christmas Tree

  2. 3.Michael Vaughan creating the world's biggest artballing painting for Chevrolet Cruze.

  3. 1. Proton of Malaysia in the 1980s
    2. BMW, for the Z4 I think
    4. Mary Kay Ash and her pink Cadillacs
    5. The "christmas tree" in an American drag race


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