Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DAILY TRIVIA # 267 Hungry Kya???

Hello one and all,
this is my first post here. As you would have noticed, there are new additions to the Q-BIT Team. All of us are from various branches of the 3rd year at BIT, Mesra.

First of all, I want to thank all the seniors for doing a fantastic job at BIT over past few years, not only in terms of this blog, but also all the hugely entertaining quizzes organized by Q-BIT in all the uncountable number of festivals at BIT. If not for Q-BIT I doubt if I would have ever realized my passion for quizzing. Seriously you guys rock!! Wish you all, all the very best in your professional lives. :-)

Secondly, to all the regular readers of this blog: All of us newbies here will try our best to live up the high standards set by team Q-BIT and keep your curiosity quenched!! Also, let us know of anything new you want to see here, be it some genre of quizzing we miss out, or some type/format of questions never posted before.

Here we go, Identify this guy & his claim to fame:



  1. This is David Phillips, aka "The Pudding Guy." David gained fame in mileage circles some years ago by spending thousands on Healthy Choice pudding cups to gain millions of miles. His exploits were memorialized in, among other things, the Adam Sandler film, "Punch Drunk Love."

  2. David Phillips

    too many hints, spoil the question


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