Saturday, May 22, 2010

Daily Trivia #271 A parting tribute, but to whom???

Oahu known as "The Gathering Place", is the third largest of the Hawaiian Islands and also the place where the American live-action television series LOST was shot.

William Golding is the Nobel Prize-winning author of Lord of the Flies. Lost draws many of its initial plot devices and themes from Lord of the Flies.

Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse, the principal screenwriters for LOST, depicted here along with the tropical island dwelling polar bear of season one, in a velvet painting by Paul Scheer. Paul created the website which markets LOST inspired artwork.

Michael Giacchino, the composer for Lost.

Lost Season 6 promo inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper



  1. the tribute is to the tv series lost which is in its final season.
    pic 1:satellite image of oahu,hawaii where the series has been shot.
    pic 2:william golding who wrote "lord of the flies" from which the series is supposedly been derived.
    pic 3:refers to
    pic 4:Michael Giacchino the composer for lost.
    pic 5:Leonardo daVinci's last supper.A similar promo photo has been released by abc to promote the 6th season


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