Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daily Trivia #303 What on earth are these??


  1. some designs for rupee symbol..but they are not among the 5 finalists.

  2. In Future our INDIAN CURRENCY will be represented by one of these symbols.

  3. rupee symbol competition by RBI

  4. bcvhz jbhyq fnl : unyjn dhrfgvba
    ehcrr flzobyf.

  5. is it "rx" written by doctors in various styles of writing?

  6. RBI will consider one among these as signs to represent Rupee

  7. are these the suggested rupees sign??not sure..

  8. These are the Five symbols of Indian currency shortlisted by Ministry of Finance. One of them will chosen and INR will have a symbol such as those of US Dollar, Yen Pound and Euro. India will be the fifth country in the world to introduce a symbol for its currency. It is being done to distinguish INR from Nepali, Pakistani and SL Rupees.


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