Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daily Trivia #335

Id each of the above images & connect them. Be specific about the relation of each image to your answer.
(Hint - Start with the image at the bottom right corner, it actually turns out to be a sitter)


  1. Starting from left
    1)Daryl F.Gates,he made the first SWAT team of America under LosAngeles Police Department(L.A.P.D).
    2)L.A.P.D's badge.
    3)Taser International's logo.Taser is used by the SWAT teams.
    4)Colin Farrell.Lead Actor in the movie S.W.A.T(2003).

    Connect:Special Weapons and Tactics(S.W.A.T)

  2. Fab crack mate...yet again. It is indeed the "S.W.A.T." !!!


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