Friday, August 13, 2010

Daily Trivia #343 Maths is so damn hard !!

 Identify and connect.
HINT: You could win a million dollars for solving this question. JK!


  1. 1.leonid levin
    2.stephen cook
    they independently formed cook-levin theorem and p vs np problem
    3.Venn diagram for P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard set of problems.
    4.Vinay Deolalikar who claims 2 hav solved the question..........
    connect: p vs np .....

  2. the p vs np theorem by Cook-Levin to have been solved by Vinay Deolalikar.
    pic1)leonid levin
    2)stephen cook
    3)p vs np problem
    4)vina deolalikar

  3. 1. no idea.
    2. Prof Stephen cook.
    3. P vs NP Problem.
    4. Indian who solved the problem.

  4. connect: the millenium questions published by ... set of 7 ques ... the solver gets a million dollars......
    The diagram is the Poincare conjecture, a ques of this set which was recently solved by grigori perelman......
    The other people are Stephen cook... who gave the official description of one of the millenium probs.

  5. points given are as follows:
    nandy - 1
    Akshay - 1
    indian - 0.75
    bluffmaster - 0.5


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