Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daily Trivia #352: Aftermarket to in-house


Ans: Mercedes-AMG. AMG was founded as a racing engine forge in 1967 under the name AMG Motorenbau und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (AMG Engine Production and Development, Ltd.), by former Mercedes engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in Burgstall an der Murr, near Stuttgart. The letters "AMG" stand for Aufrecht, Melcher and Großaspach(G), Aufrecht's birthplace.


  1. connect:AMG Engine Production and Development
    1.Hans Werner Aufrecht.
    2.Erhard Melcher.

    Hans werner aufrecht and erhard melcher cofounded the AMG engine production and development which is currently a subsidiary of Mercedes benz.The G of AMG was named after Grobaspach... the birthplace of werner aufrecht.

  2. In the pictures are Hans werner aufrecht and Erhard melcher,
    founders of AMG engine production and development
    (a subsidiary of the Mercedes-Benz car company)
    and aufrecht's birth place Großaspach.
    AMG stands for Aufrecht melcher and Großaspach.


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