Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Daily Trivia #377 Eh...What's up Mickey? (Quiz-a-day Question No. 2)

Quiz-a-day's 1st question got 38 responses yesterday, with a lot of people beating around the bush. That's why, today's question is even simpler. I hope you can "connect" the pictures this time, instead of just identifying.

Connect these two images.

1st & 2nd year people of BIT Mesra : Register here and answer here.


  1. Who Framed Roger Rabbit marks the first (and so far, the only) time in animation history that Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny appeared on screen together.

  2. Both the images are of the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit.THE coneect is movie-Who Framed Roger Rabbit starring Bob Hoskins(man in 2nd image) as a private detective who investigates a murder involving a famous cartoon character named Roger Rabbit.
    Who Framed Roger Rabbit marks the first (and so far, the only) time in animation history that Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny appeared on screen together.

  3. who framed roger rabbit>>only time when mickey & bugs bunny appeared on screen together..

  4. The first and only time Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny were in the same frame together.

    And this happened in the movie 'Who framed Roger Rabbit?'


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