Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daily Trivia #396 New York New York

This one is for the die-hard googlers. Crack this one. Please explain the connect to all the images.

Good one Balaji! The only one to crack it. Connect : The City of Blinding Lights by U2. How?
1. Song is used as the soundtrack in The Devil Wears Prada.
2. U2 won the Best Rock Song Grammy award for the song.
3. Obama often used the term in his speeches and U2 also performed the song at the We Are One concert (The Obama Inauguration Ceremony).
4. One of the STS-126 crew member had this song as his Wake Up Call, to be played on the Space Shuttle.
'Twas for the googlers. So, you can't ridicule the vagueness!

1 comment:

  1. city of blinding lights, by u2.
    barack obama used it in his campaigns, it won a grammy back in 06, and it was part of d music for the devil wears prada. dnt kno abt d shuttle 1 though, but im guessin it was played 4 1 of d astronauts on d mission. btw, city of blindin lights was wikipedia's featured article yesterday :)


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