Sunday, December 26, 2010

Daily Trivia #413 Crimemaster Gogo!

Connect ze pics! Cartoons are a direct hint.


  1. BErnie Madoff

    those are the characters pon and zi

    Charles Ponzi

    Ponzi scheme

  2. Ponzi scheme

    MadOff Scam
    Pon and Zi
    Charles Ponzi

  3. cartoon is of characters Pon n Zi

    the guy in pic is Charles PONZI founder of ponzi scheme in which scam that pays early investors returns from the investments of later investors.

    bernand madoff was the admitted operator of world largest scheme.

  4. cartoon Pon And Zi
    man is Charles Ponzi.
    cryptic clue i.e the 1st image about Bernard Madoff.
    conn.-Ponzi Scheme.-The term "Ponzi scheme" was coined because of Charles Ponzi's scam and Bernard Madoff is admitted operator of what has been described as the largest Ponzi scheme in history.

  5. bernand madoff....pon and zi ,
    charles ponzi


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