Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Last Review

I write today in hope that I will write next time, prouder than I am today. In 2 semesters, we've seen a lot of quizzes, most of them being General with one mega Cricket and a Business quiz. So far, we've given out a tremendous amount of prize money by our own standards and we've worked hard and long for all this. But, what really amazes me is the response you sometimes get, the slight nod and a hello while you walk, the "Ah" and "Oh" when you tell them the answer, the punch fist when they get it right and then the polite question: "Agla kab hai?". This is what keeps us going and I think I speak for all of us when I say: Its only gonna get better next year!

I still remember Ashwin, the brilliant host, Tanmay, the brilliant teammate, PK the brilliant quizzer and Sneha, the brilliant senior. But most of all, all of them being brilliant friends! I wish you guys come down and see a quiz by us. Or better, make one for us!

Talking about today's quiz, it was a regular affair at H6. Had to do a bit of round-up for the people in their rooms as somehow they didnt know about the quiz happening, but we started with a good 44 in the end. We were afraid 42 questions might be too much for them, but I don't think it bothered them. Here are the results:

1. Raikom and Rahul (2k9)
2. Shikhar & Milan (2k10)
3. Vishesh & Waquar (2k10) tied with Asad & Asram (2k10)

For the first time, we had the same quiz held in H8 by Sneha from 2k10 itself. As per my last conversation, there were around 30 girls in the common room! Imagine 30 girls quizzing at the same time! Where have you seen it?! I am yet to receive much information about the quiz in H8. I'll write a review for that as soon as I get it.

Here is the link for the quiz with answers:

Hopefully, next week, we start with our new format of quizzing - Quark Quiz.
Happening every week at the OC, some will volunteer to make the quiz. No monetary prizes here for winning, just for fun and the spirit. We should be having a notice in a few days for that with the required artwork[:)]. Those interested and dependable, please contact us soon!

Thank you so much!


  1. it was again a wonderful experience,as it always is......u guys always steal d show.....lukin forward to the 'Q'uark quizzes.....,

  2. I am Happy and proud..way to go guys!!
    send us the pics sometime..


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