Monday, May 23, 2011

Daily Trivia #469 Connect as I don't know the answer

Connect these pics.
Question Courtesy: Praanshuman/Pranshumaan/Pranshuman/Praanshumaan [I get confused oh Agent Provocateur!]


  1. pirates of the Caribbean

    Connects are Pele for pele, Keith Richards, Hans zimmer.

  2. pirates of the caribbean???
    hans zimmer and keith richards-musicians....
    piratesof the caribbean-the black pearl (as in pele)
    the background (site) of "monkey island" game is supposed to have been inspired by the same.
    is that the Map of caribbean(no idea)...

  3. The connect is POTC alright.
    However, the relevant connections are:
    Monkey Island:The game that controversially inspired the movie;
    Hans Zimmer: Composer for POTC 2;
    Map of the Disneyland ride called Pirates of the Carribean;
    Keith Richards: On whom Johnny Depp modelled the character of Capt Jack Sparrow;
    The flag of the fictioal East India Company, a recurrent theme in the movie;
    and ofcourse, Pele, also known as the 'Perola Negra' or 'Black Pearl'.

  4. "Praanshuman/Pranshumaan/Pranshuman/Praanshumaan [I get confused oh Agent Provocateur!]"
    hahaha...Can't say I haven't faced the same confusion!!

    Brilliant question though...


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