Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daily Trivia #500 - C Ignoramus Quizzer

And like the previous post, this one is contributed by Prabhakar Kumar aka Ignoramus!
He still finds a lot of time from his job for quizzing which is fantastic. Infact, the 500th Daily Trivia poster was his idea!
Try his questions out too while we sing happy 500 to us!

1.  Hrithik,Abhay & Farhan had their version of this in ZNMD.Here, who are making the people run for their lives here?

2. Identify the person on the right.


3. This image was recreated in the building of this company which showed their fear of getting knocked out by the other giant. It also served as the codename for the project which they thought would help me counter the giant.Name this company and the project.

4.  When somebody told me that she would have been hot in her college days, I came up with this. Identify her. 

5. Which company started with this story?

6. Identify this game and the company which has started it.

7. This image features a cameo by which personality?


  1. 1.) bullwager??!
    2.) lalu...
    3.) emerald google+ fearing FB!
    4.) arundhati
    5.) leaving microsoft for changing the world by john wood, vivek chandra wrote abt it on his blog
    6.) budweiser company invented poolball...
    7.) alfred hitchcock

  2. 1.F1 car from Scuderia Toro Rosso, driven by Antonio Liuzzi.
    2.Lalu prasad yadav
    3.emerald project
    4.arundhati roy
    6.pool ball.........budweiser
    7.Alfred hitchcock

  3. 1.F1 car from Scuderia Toro Rosso, driven by Antonio Liuzzi
    2.lalu prasad yadav
    4.arundhati roy
    6.pool ball.........budweiser
    7.alfred hitchcock


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