Monday, October 24, 2011

Daily Trivia #511 Bhag Daaru!

So, Pantheon is over. But getting back to business,


  1. ranbir kapoor - brand ambassador.

  2. Ranbir Kapoor endorses all the four.

  3. Spain's top football club FC Barcelona has reportedly appointed Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor as it's brand ambassador for India... It also plans to tie up with brands that Kapoor endorses - Pepsi, Tata DoCoMo, Nissan

  4. FC Barcelona has named cine star Ranbir Kapoor as its Indian brand ambassador who also endorses the brands Pepsi,Nissan and Docomo.

  5. Ranbhir kapoor.
    Brand ambassador of tata docomo, nissan, and pepsi. I dont know how Barca connects.


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