Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Trivia #583 'Everything has a Story'

Connect (3/5) :


  1. Dunno about the raptor, but there's Congo(Big Apes and shit), Sphere, Andromeda and my favorite The Shining.

  2. All are novels by Michael Crichton.

  3. Too much excitement gets the best of us sometimes. :(

  4. all the movies: jurassic park, congo, sphere,rising sun etc are based on the novels written by Michael Crichton

  5. Michael crichton's novels.


  6. Michael Crichton

    these are books by him

    1. the lost world
    2. congo
    3. sphere
    4. the andromeda strain
    5. rising sun

    - vivek verma (predator0)

  7. Michael Crichton

    these are books by him

    1. the lost world
    2. congo
    3. sphere
    4. the andromeda strain
    5. rising sun

    - vivek verma (predator0)

  8. Michael Crichton... all are names of his novels

  9. Michael Crichton.
    These are the novels by him.
    -Jurassic Park
    -The Andromeda Strain(Andromeda Galaxy)
    -Rising Sun

  10. the mokele mbembe? I have no idea how the sphere, galaxy and the last picture connect to it

  11. Jurassic Park
    The Andromeda Strain
    Rising Sun
    All are Michael Crichton novels

  12. Michael Crichton.

    All are books written by him :
    Jurassic Park
    The Andromeda Strain
    Rising Sun.

    all the pics r related 2 his novels.
    1st pic is related 2 his novel JURASSIC PARK.
    2nd pic is related to his novel CONGO. It depicts the map of democratic republic of congo.
    3rd pic is related 2 his novel SPHERE. volume of sphere is 4/3 *pi*r*r*r.
    4th pic is somehow related 2 his novel TIMELINE. as novel shows the concepts of time travel and quantum mechanics.
    5th pic depicts his novel RISING SUN.


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