Sunday, May 19, 2013

Super Sunday 3.0

A is a popular internet photo fad which gets its name from an evil character in the short story B. B has been adapted for film and TV several times, most notably as a 1999 Hollywood feature starring C. Very recently, a 500 million year old fossil was named D because it had a physical attribute resembling the title character C played in the movie E. Speaking of scientific discoveries being named after people, a spider specie discovered in 2007 in the American state F was named after G, which was pretty ironic as G had harshly criticised F through two of his songs: H and ‘F’. The song I, which eventually became a rock classic, was written as a ‘response song’ to denounce G. I also mentions J, one of the most infamous scandals of all time which led to the resignation of president K. 

The 1951 Bollywood classic L produced the famous song M which became a huge hit in China, Soviet Union and the Middle East, also being translated into the local languages of these places. In fact, the famous novel N by Russian Nobel laureate O also mentions this movie/song. O is also one of the winners of the P, the second largest financial prize award given to an individual.

The recently released movie Q is based on the work of R, a famous author of the ‘Lost Generation’. R was named after S, his distant cousin. S is known for writing the lyrics to T, which later became their national anthem.

20*5 = 100 points.


  1. A-Horsemanning
    B-The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    C-Johnny Depp
    D-Kooteninchela deppi
    E-Edward Scissorhands
    G-Neil Young
    H-Southern Man
    I-Sweet Home Alabama
    K-Richard Nixon
    M-Awara Hoon
    N-The Cancer Ward
    O-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P-Templeton Prize
    Q-The Great Gatsby
    R-F. Scott Fitzgerald
    S-Francis Scott Key
    T-The Star-Spangled Banner

  2. A=Headless Horsemen/ Horsemanning
    B=The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    C=Johnny Depp
    D=Kooteninchela deppi
    E=Edward Scissorhands
    G=Neil Young
    H=Southern Man
    I=Sweet Home Alabama
    J=Watergate Scandal
    K=Richard Nixon

    M=Awara Hoon
    N=Cancer Ward
    O=Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
    P=Templeton Prize

    Q=The Great Gasby
    R=F.Scott Fitzgerald
    S=Francis Scott Key
    T=The Star Spangled Banner, American National Anthem

  3. A: Horsemanning
    B: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    C: Johny depp
    D: Kooteninchela deppi
    E: Edward Scissorhands
    F: Alabama
    G: Neil Young
    H: Southern Man
    I: Sweet Home Alabama
    J: Watergate Scandal
    K: Richard Nixon
    L: Awara
    M: Awara hoon
    N: The cancer ward
    O: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P: templeton prize
    Q: The Great Gatsby
    R: F. Scott Fitzgerald
    S: Francis Scott Key
    T: The Star-spangled banner

  4. A: Horsemanning
    B: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    C: Johny depp
    D: Kooteninchela deppi
    E: Edward Scissorhands
    F: Alabama
    G: Neil Young
    H: Southern Man
    I: Sweet Home Alabama
    J: Watergate Scandal
    K: Richard Nixon
    L: Awara
    M: Awara hoon
    N: The cancer ward
    O: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P: templeton prize
    Q: The Great Gatsby
    R: F. Scott Fitzgerald
    S: Francis Scott Key
    T: The Star-spangled banner

  5. A- Horsemaning
    B- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    C- Johnny Depp
    D- Kooteninchela deppi
    E- Edward Scissorhands
    F- Alabama
    G- Neil Young
    H- Southern Man
    I- Sweet Home Alabama
    J- Watergate Scandal
    K- Richard Nixon
    L- Awaara
    M- Awara Hoon
    N- Cancer Ward
    O- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P- Templeton Prize
    Q- The Great Gatsby
    R- F. Scott Fitzgerald
    S- Francis Scott Key
    T- The Star Spangled Banner

  6. A-Horsemanning
    B-The legend of sleepy hollow
    C-Johnny Depp
    D-Kooteninchela deppi
    E-Edward Scissorhands
    G-Neil Young
    H-Southern Man
    I-Sweet Home Alabama
    J-Watergate scandal
    K-Richard Nixon
    M-Awara Hoon
    N-Cancer Ward
    O-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P-Templeton Prize
    Q-The Great Gatsby
    R-Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
    S-Francis Scott Key
    T-The Defence of Fort McHenry/The Star Sprangled Banner

  7. A-Horsemanning
    B-The legend of sleepy hollow
    C-Johnny Depp
    D-Kooteninchela deppi
    E-Edward Scissorhands
    G-Neil Young
    H-Southern Man
    I-Sweet Home Alabama
    J-Watergate scandal
    K-Richard Nixon
    M-Awara Hoon
    N-Cancer Ward
    O-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P-Templeton Prize
    Q-The Great Gatsby
    R-Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
    S-Francis Scott Key
    T-The Defence of Fort McHenry/The Star Sprangled Banner

  8. jaivardhan shivamMay 19, 2013 at 6:55 PM

    a: horsemanning
    b: the legend of sleepy hollow
    c: johny depp
    d: kootenichela deppi
    e: edward scissorhands
    f: alabama
    g: neil young
    h: southern man
    i: sweet home alabama
    j: watergate
    k: richard nixon
    l: awara
    m: awara hoon
    n: cancer ward
    o: aleksandr solztenitsyn
    p: templeton prize
    q: the great gatsby
    r: F scott fitzgerald
    s: francis scott key
    t: US national anthem, "star spangled banner"

  9. A - horse manning
    B - legend of sleepy hollow
    C - johnny depp
    D - Kooteninchela deppi
    E - Edward Scissorhands.
    F - California
    G - Stephen Colbert
    H -
    I -
    J - watergate
    K - Richard Nixon
    L - Aawara
    M - Aawara hoon
    N - The Cancer Ward
    O - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P - Templeton prize
    Q - The Great Gatsby
    R - F. Scott Fitzgerald
    S - Francis Scott Key
    T - Star-Spangled Banner.

  10. A- Horsemanning
    B- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    C- Johnny Depp
    D- Kooteninchela deppi
    E- Edward Scissorhands
    F- Alabama
    G- Neil Young
    H- Southern Man
    I- Sweet Home Alabama
    J- Watergate Scandal
    K- Richard Nixon
    L- Awara
    M- Awara Hoon
    N- The Cancer Ward
    O- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P- Templeton Prize
    Q- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    R- F Scott Fitzgerald
    S- Francis Scott Key
    T- The Star Spangled Banner

  11. A - Horsemaning.
    B - The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow.
    C - Johnny Depp.
    D - Kooteninchela deppi.
    E - Edward Scissorhands.
    F - Alabama.
    G - Neil Young.
    H - Southern Man.
    I - Sweet Home Alabama.
    J - Watergate.
    K - Richard Nixon.

    L - Awara.
    M - Awara Hoon.
    N - Cancer Ward.
    0 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
    P - Templeton Award.

    Q - The Great Gatsby.
    R - Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
    S - Francis Scott Key.
    T - The Star-Spangled Banner.

  12. Answers :

    A - Horsemanning
    B - The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
    C - Johnny Depp
    D - Kooteninchela deppi
    E - Edward Scissorhands
    F - Alabama
    G - Neil Young
    H - Southern Man
    I - Sweet Home Alabama
    J - Watergate
    K - Richard Nixon
    L - Awara
    M - Awara Hoon
    N - Cancer Ward
    0 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    P - Templeton Prize
    Q - The Great Gatsby
    R - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
    S - Francis Scott Key
    T - The Star-Spangled Banner


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