Wednesday, May 28, 2014

SS #4: Divine

Difficulty- 4/5

X= 12 As + 11 Bs + 8 Cs + 2 Ds

Identify X.

(A, B, C and D are all single words. Identify A, B, C and D from the image cryptically and connect them using the above equation to get X.)


  1. A- adtiya
    b- rudra
    c- vasu
    d- ashwin
    x- tridasha or 33 gods of indian pantheon
    in mahabharat there were 33 gods(devas)

  2. Thirty three Gods or Tridasha (The Pantheon of Vedic Demigods)
    12 Adityas + 11 Rudras + 8 Vasus + 2 Asvins

  3. X = Devtas
    A = Adityas (12)
    B = Rudras (11 forms of god Rudra)
    C = Vasus (8)
    D = Ashwins (Twins/2)

  4. A - Aditya
    B - Rudra
    C - Vasu
    D - Ashvin

    In Ramayana, the 33 children of sage Kashyapa.

  5. X = 33 Gods
    A = Aditya (AB Group)
    B = Rudra (from HAL Rudra)
    C = Vasu (the movie)
    D = Ashwin (the cricketer)

  6. The correct answer is-
    A- Aditya
    B- Rudra
    C- Vasu
    D- Ashwin
    X- Together, they make up the Tridasha or the 33 Gods mentioned in the Rig Veda
    Points will be given only for a correct X.


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