Tuesday, June 16, 2015

SS #3: Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others

Difficulty - 4/5*

Note: Do read the 'How to Play Section' on the Summer Slam page before attempting to answer the question.


Going by the response, the difficulty rating of this question has been updated from 3.5/5 to 4/5. 
The stakes are higher now. Keep at it. 


  1. Women Rights on Property and Lands.
    Freidrich Engels worked on women's rights on property and to combat their oppression in the society.
    Amazon Warriors were an all woman warrior tribe and
    Seneca Tribe,Woman had the right to the lands and property.
    Khasi Tribe- Matrilinear Society, the land belonged to the woman.

  2. MATRILINEALITY! (Women's Right to Land and Property!)]

    The word of connection.

  3. Game of thrones

  4. Game of thrones

  5. The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State by Friedrich Engels

  6. I still think its MATRILINEALITY!(Matriarchal societies is just the supporting word)!

  7. The answer is indeed 'Matrilieanlity', although points would be awarded for 'Matriarchy'/'Matriarchal societies' as well.

    Friedrich Engels in his book "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" extensively studied the Seneca people to conclude that in early days of societal evolution, there was group marriage - which meant that paternity was disputable while maternity wasn't - leading to matrilineality (tracing descent through the mother's side).

    Amazon warriors were the first fictional matrilineal/matriarchal clan. And Khasi tribe is a matrilineal tribe in north-east India.

  8. On another note, reading the newly updated Caution section on the Summer Slam page is strongly advised.

    The lone wolf hunts best. :)


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