Thursday, June 2, 2016

Question 2.Couldn't have been a call center.

  • Connect the three images to the world of Entertainment.


  1. Night at the museum
    -Debayan Chatterjee

  2. easy one.
    first picture is the american museum of national history/larry's office.
    the second one is the smithsonian i guess.
    the third picture is the golden tablet of pharaoh akhmenrah.
    therefore the final answer is night at the museum 1 and 2.

  3. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

  4. They featured in the Night at the Museum Movie Trilogy.
    The American Museum Of Natural History In Night At The Museum
    The Tablet in Night At The Museum : Secret Of the Tomb
    The Smithsonian Museum in Battle Of the Smithsonian.

  5. All related to movie night at the museum 3

  6. Night at the museum- Battle of the Smithsonian.

  7. Night at the museum it is!
    Everyone who've mentioned Night at the museum, Night at the museum-1 or night the museum 1 and 2 will be awarded points!
    Precisely, everyone who've mentioned "Night at the museum" phrase in the answer will get points!


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