Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tech Week 7


  1. Satellite Ultrasound for Rural Stroke (SURS) project which aimed at sending ultrasound images from a sample of sites across rural areas to a remote clinician for scanning technique advice and review. The focus of the project is on the early, rapid assessment of patients in the pre-hospital environment
    - Debayan Chatterjee

  2. Live streaming baby ultrasound technology.

  3. Live streaming baby ultrasound technology. Sonostream

  4. Measurement of bowling speed in cricket using satellites and ultrasonic sensor-radar gun

  5. Doppler effect. Speed gun uses Doppler effect and is also a phenomena during ultrasound and satellite communications
    -Debayan Chatterjee


    1.Measuring the speed of the ball by a radar using the principle of Doppler Shift.

    2.Measuring the Doppler Shift is a satellite tracking technique for determining the distance between the satellite and the receiver at the time of closest approach as well as the time itself

    3.Carotid ultrasound uses sound waves to produce pictures of the carotid arteries in the neck which carry blood from the heart to the brain. A Doppler ultrasound study – a technique that evaluates blood flow through a blood vessel

  7. The Connect is Doppler Shift or Doppler Effect which is used among others to
    1) Measure speed of cricket ball
    2) Correction due to curvature in satellite communication
    2) Color flow ultrasonography for medical imaging and blood flow measurement.


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