Sunday, June 26, 2016

YOU-know- What Trivia.

As promised, this is the last question of Literature. We have a question of Science and Tech also, so please check.
Points for this question- +2 for every answer.
+20 for everything correct.

A is a pure blood witch and the mother of B and C. A's marriage to D was responsible for her status as a traitor by her family. A is comparably similar to E who was also second born and from the same family and married F. 
E's daughter married G, a half blood wizard. Their child H, godson of I, was shown to be in a relationship with J who is the grand-daughter of B. E's cousin K is one of the best friends of G.
Sister or A, L is the great aunt of M. B's son N, M and I were classmates in Hogwarts. 
E's nephew married O, a pure blood witch. N is shown to tell his daughter P to be away from O's son Q. C's death was caused by R, which is a known form of K. S, a close friend of I and his wife T, went on to marry U, magizoologist. E's nephew respected only one teacher at Hogwarts V who was the son of W. 
W is often comparably similar to X in the form of name and also X's alleged relationship to Y.
If there was one person that Y despised, it had to be Z.


  1. A- Cedrella Weasley(formerly Black)
    B- Arthur Weasley
    C- Bilius Weasley
    D- Septimus Weasley
    E- Andromeda Tonks(formerly Black)
    F- Edward 'Ted' Tonks
    G- Remus Lupin
    H- Teddy Remus Lupin
    I- Harry Potter
    J- Victoire Weasley
    K- Sirius Black
    L- Callidora Longbottom(formerly Black)
    M- Neville Longbottom
    N- Ronald Weasley
    O- Astoria Greengrass
    P- Rose Weasley
    Q- Scorpius Malfoy
    R- Grim( Black dog)
    S- Luna Lovegood
    T- Ginny Weasley
    U- Rolf Scamander
    V- Severus Snape
    W- Eileen Prince
    X- Irma Pince
    Y- Argus Filch
    Z- Peeves
    - Debayan Chatterjee

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. A- Cedrella Weasley
    B- Arthur Weasley
    C-Billius Weasley
    D-Septimius Weasley
    E-Andromeda Tonks
    F-Ted Tonks
    G-Raemus Lupin
    H-Teddy/Edward Lupin
    I-Harry Potter
    J-Victorie Weasley
    K-Sirius Black
    L-Callidora Black
    M-Neville Longbottom
    N-Ron Weasley
    O-Astoria Greengrass
    P-Rose Granger Weasley
    Q-Scorpius Malfoy
    R-The Grim
    S-Luna Lovegood
    T-Ginny Weasley
    U-Rolf Scamander
    V-Severus Snape
    W-Eileen Prince
    X-Irma Pince
    Y-Argus Finch
    Z-Peeves the poltergeist

  4. A- Cederella Black
    B-Arthur Weasley
    C-Bilius Weasley
    D-Septimus Weasley
    E-Andromeda Black
    F-Ted Tonks
    G-Remus Lupin
    H-Edward "teddy" Lupin
    I-Harry Potter
    J-Victoire Weasley
    K-Sirius Black
    L-Callidora Black
    M-Neville Longbottom
    N-Ronald Weasley
    O-Astoria Greengrass
    P-Rose Weasley
    Q-Scorpius Malfoy
    R-Grim(he dies 24 hours after seeing a grim-A big Black, bear-like dog)
    S-Luna Lovegood
    T-Ginny Weasley
    U-Rolf Scamander
    V-Severus Snape
    W-eileen prince
    X-madam irma pince
    Y-Argus Filch

  5. A:Cedrella Black
    B:Arthur Weasley
    C:Bilius Weasley
    D:Septimus Weasley
    E:Andromeda Black
    F:Ted Tonks
    G:Remus Lupin
    H:Edward Remus Lupin
    I:Harry Potter
    J:Victoire Weasley
    K:Sirius Black
    L:Callidora Black
    M:Neville Longbottom
    N:Ron Weasley
    O:Astoria Malfoy
    P:Rose Weasley
    Q:Scorpius Malfoy
    R:Padfoot/ Grim
    S:Luna Lovegood
    T:Ginny Weasley
    U:Rolf Scamander
    V:Severus Snape
    W:Tobias Snape
    X:Albus Dumbledoor
    Y:Gellert Grindelwald
    Z:Aberfoth Dumbledoor

  6. Due to some technical issue unknown to me, Ashish's answer was deleted.
    I'm posting his answer that I had received by email:

    Ashish Deopa has left a new comment on your post "YOU-know- What Trivia.":

    A-Cedrella Black
    B-Arthur weasley
    C-Bilius weasley
    D-Septimus Weasley
    E-Andromeda Tonks
    F-Ted Tonks
    G-Remus Lupin
    H-Teddy Lupin
    I-Harry Potter
    J-Victoire Weasley
    K-Sirius Black
    L-Callidora Longbottom
    M-Neville Longbottom
    N-Ron Weasley
    O-Astoria Greengrass
    P-Rose Weasley
    Q-Scorpius Malfoy
    S-Luna Lovegood
    T-Ginny Weasley
    U-Rolf Scamander
    V-Severus Snape
    W-Tobias Snape
    X-Tom Riddle Sr
    Y-Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort)
    Z-Albus Dumbledore

  7. A- Cedrella Weasley(formerly Black)
    B- Arthur Weasley
    C- Bilius Weasley
    D- Septimus Weasley
    E- Andromeda Tonks(formerly Black)
    F- Edward 'Ted' Tonks
    G- Remus Lupin
    H- Teddy Remus Lupin
    I- Harry Potter
    J- Victoire Weasley
    K- Sirius Black
    L- Callidora Longbottom(formerly Black)
    M- Neville Longbottom
    N- Ronald Weasley
    O- Astoria Greengrass
    P- Rose Weasley
    Q- Scorpius Malfoy
    R- Grim( Black dog)
    S- Luna Lovegood
    T- Ginny Weasley
    U- Rolf Scamander
    V- Severus Snape
    W- Eileen Prince
    X- Irma Pince
    Y- Argus Filch
    Z- Peeves
    But Ashish's reasoning for W,X,Y and Z seems legitimate. I'm going to consider his answer for full points.
    Rangeet-X,Y and Z of your answer can't be considered. I did not understand the connection of Tobias to Albus. So, not going to consider it. You'll get points uptil W.


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