Saturday, June 3, 2017

may the FORCE be with you!


  1. The connect is Force India F1 team

  2. Michiel Mol and Vijay Mallya

  3. Force India sponsors

  4. "Horse Under Water "
    1.the second of four Len Deighton SPY novels

  5. Sahara Force India's new car will race in pink to mark the beginning of a long-term relationship with the Austrian-headquartered water brand.

  6. Sahara Force India/ Force India F1. Spyker F1, BWT new partnership and UB group possibly to indicate Vijaya Mallya's presence or as a technical partner of Force India.

  7. Force India ( Spyker F1 sold to Force India ) UB Group Vijay Mallaya owner of force india and BWT lent their building to force india.


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