Sunday, June 10, 2018

Diamonds no more forever


  1. Bond.....The first one was started by Jeff Bond.....Priyanka Chopra wants to be a bond girl ....

  2. Nirav Modi.
    Priyanka Chopra was associated with his jewellery brand. PNB is the bank Nirav Modi frauded. He was the first Indian jeweller to be featured on the cover of Sotheby's catalogue.

  3. First pic is of Sotheby.. which is broker of jewellery, second is Priyanka Chopra ( who was Brand Ambassador of nirav modi global diamond brand) and third is Punjab National Bank who sued Nirav Modi , so the connect would be -' Nirav Modi Global Diamond brand '

  4. Nirav Modi.
    Priyanka Chopra was associated with his jewellery brand. PNB was the bank Nirav Modi frauded. He was the first Indian jeweller to be featured on the cover of Sotheby's catalogue.

  5. Nirav Modi and the $1.77 billion PNB fraud

  6. Quantico's new controversial episode.

  7. Nirav Modi who defaulted on PNB's loan and is now on the run from authorities had defrauded stars like Priyanka Chopra who endorsed his brand. In 2012, Modi's exquisitely designed Riviere necklace was auctioned by Sotheby's for $5.1 Millions

  8. Nirav Modi
    Priyanka Chopra was the brand ambassador of his jewellery brand
    He is involved in the banking fraud at PNB
    His designer piece was auctioned by Sotheby

  9. The answer is indeed Nirav Modi. He owns a very large jewelery business, which was endorsed by Priyanka Chopra. Nirav Modi was the first Indian jeweler to have been featured on the cover of Sotheby’s Catalogues. He was recently involved in a $2 billion fraud case at Punjab National Bank.


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