Sunday, January 11, 2009


With the added hint i think it might be a sitter now.....


  1. amitabh bachchan by any chance?

    rahul j.

  2. Chandni Chowk

    In K3G Kajol lived at chandni chowk
    Aasma-Chandu ke chacha ne
    WB- CC2C
    Rest- Pata Nahi

  3. The connect is Chandni Chowk
    1.Warner Bros Produce CC2C
    2.An old song recalling the famous clocktower (ghantaghar) that once stood in the center and India's freedom struggle...
    3,4.Vintage Pics of Chandni chowk
    5.AASMA the band..chandu ke chacha..remember ny1?
    6.k3G...kajol is frm chandni chowk


  5. really a sitter chandni chowk to china movie produced by WB...


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