Sunday, July 26, 2009

daily trivia#137

Though i hate connects....
here's one

what's the link..????

* 1930s
o Georges Lemaire
o Francisco Cepeda
o André Raynaud

* 1950s
o Camille Danguillaume
o Serse Coppi
o Stan Ockers
o Russell Mockridge
* 1960s
o Knud Enemark Jensen
o Tom Simpson
o José Samyn
* 1970s
o Jean-Pierre Monseré
o Manuel Galera
o Juan Manuel Santisteban
* 1980s
o Joaquim Agostinho
o Emilio Ravasio
o Michelle Goffin
o Vicente Mata
o Connie Meijer
* 1990s
o Fabio Casartelli
o José Antonio Espinosa
o Manuel Sanroma
* 2000s
o Saúl Morales
o Nicole Reinhart
o Andrei Kivilev
o Juan Barrero
o Tim Pauwels
o Alessio Galletti
o Isaac Gálvez
o Bruno Neves


  1. Plpyvfgf jub qvrq qhevat n enpr.u hate connects??

  2. list of cyclist that have died in a race.

  3. list of professional cyclists who died during a race, most of them because of a fall. Not all of them died immediately; many were brought to a hospital and died there afterwards because of the wounds caused by the fall.

  4. list of professional cyclists who died during a race, most of them because of a fall. Not all of them died immediately; many were brought to a hospital and died there afterwards because of the wounds caused by the fall.

  5. yeah..
    its true i hate most of the connects...
    just that people(at times even i)draw some link or the other between things and expect ppl to think the same...most of the connects are too trivia based and not for mediocre quizzers like me...

  6. "just that people(at times even i)draw some link or the other between things and expect ppl to think the same." agreed.
    but you a mediocre quizzer nah!!!.


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