Thursday, April 1, 2010

Review : QUIZZES at Drishtant'10

It was a quizzing treat for the enthusiasts at BIT Mesra this year with three quizzes being organized in collaboration with MarchAheadand Q-BIT as part of Drishtant'10 - The Biennial Inter-College Fest organized during 18-21 March 2010.

1.xQuizzme Plzzz ONLINE Quiz.

This event was first of its kind ever at BIT. Starting as on Saturday March 13th, we had a relentless format wherein Team QBIT posted questions every 6 hours thus keeping the participants on their toes.

We had a record breaking participation for this event with the portal clocking more than 10000 hits over a period of 5 days till 17th March.With the leaderboard changing with every question
it ended up being a very close race. The pole position literally went through musical chairs, with finally Subhradeep Saha from BIT Mesra emerging as the winner and qualifying for the finals of the Tech Quiz.

2.Tech Quiz & BiZ Quiz

Think quizzing communities, and the first name that you can recall is MarchAhead.And so it was at Drishtant. Manasa Nayak the founder of as the Quiz Master the quiz drew a huge turnout with teams not only BIT but also from IIT-KGP, KIIT etc. participating in the event.

Team Quizzards of Oz from IIT-KGP literally ran away with the tech quiz, although the team from KIIT did give them a scare once.It was heartening to see the young sophomores from BIT Mesra, edging out their seniors to claim the third spot.

Winners of Tech Quiz:
1st: Team from IIT, Kharagpur, consisting of Neeraj, Ankit and Aditya,
2nd: Team from KIIT, Bhubaneshwar, comprising of Abhishek, Ankit and Nikhil
3rd: The team from BIT, Mesra consisting of Gautam Harinarayan, Ayaz and Abhishek

The competetion in Biz Quiz was more of a BIT affair, with the team from BIT namely LSP steamrolling the competetion to finish first.It was a close call for the second position with KIIT team edging out Team QED V2.0 for the 2nd position on the last question of the quiz.

Winners of Biz Quiz:
1st: Prabhakar Kumar, Sneha Ranjan, Lakshmi Ravi Narayan from BIT, Mesra
2nd: Ankit Suman, Nikhil Chittangia, Abhishek Chakraborty from KIIT, Bhubneshwar
3rd: Tanmay Agarwal, Pranshumaan Singh and Ashwyn Chandrashekhar from BIT, Mesra

1 comment:

  1. Hi Team BIT,

    How about posting some Prelims/Final questions from both these quizzes ?



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