Saturday, May 7, 2011

Daily Trivia #458:In Demand

Given here are 4 of the Top-10 gentlemen from a particular list while the most prominent one is missing (for good reasons). ID the missing person as well as the 4 over here.

Answer: Given here are Joaquín Guzmán Loera, Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, Semion Mogilevich and Matteo Messina Denaro from the Forbes' list of 10 most wanted criminals. And the missing person is, of course, Osama Bin Laden.


  1. The list of most wanted list by FBI and the missing person is Osama of course.

  2. 1. matteo messina denaro
    2. smion mogilevich
    3. dawood ibrahim
    4. Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán

    missing : osama bin laden

    " top 5 of the top 10 most wanted fugitives in the world ".

  3. 1.Matteo Messina Denaro.
    2.Semion Mogilevich.
    3.No idea..
    4.Joaquin Guzman Loera.

    The missing person is Dawood Ibrahim Kaska.

    Members of the 'top-10 most wanted list'

  4. Fugitives from the world's most wanted list.
    Missing Person: Osama bin Laden

  5. World'smost wanted criminal?????

    i guess osama bin laden is missing.

  6. the missin person is osama bin laden......other persons in order are
    1.Matteo Messina Denaro(Italian mafia)
    2.James Bulgr(not sure)
    3.Daud Ibrahim
    4.Joaquin Guzman(Drug Trafficker)

  7. most wanted criminals(in pic)
    matteo messina
    Semion Mogilevich
    dawood ibrahim
    Joaquín Guzmán Loera

    n d most imp Osama bin laden

  8. Bin laden missing chap
    2.semion mogilevich
    3.Dawood Ibrahim

  9. al the four are listed as the world's ten most wanted fugitives...
    joaquin guzman loera...the mexican druglord (droga messicano...(:P)) currently tops the list afetr the confirmed death of osama bin laden...
    dawood ibrahim(aka muchchhad here) (accompanied by none other than our dear dabanggu, the slit of whose skin is almost visible in the pic) is currently on second...
    (this fugitive was even missing from his own daughter's wedding to miandad's son..)
    semion mogilevich is on third....
    messina denaro...mafia gangpin from sicily n fourth
    and the missing one...(the fifth) is alimzhan tokhtakhunov, the uzbek who is accused of bribing the figure skating judges in 2002 winter olympics (really put his place in this list into a perspective doesn't it???)


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