Sunday, June 5, 2011

Daily Trivia #474 I thought I thought and then I thunk!

Connect these famous companies!
Note: List may not be exhaustive. Its the to the best of my knowledge.


  1. IBM think big
    taco bell think outside the bun
    kotak think investments think kotak
    volkswagon think small
    apple think different

  2. taglines -:
    ibm:"i think,there4 ibm"
    kotak:"think investments,think kotak"
    apple:"think different"
    taco bell:"think outside the bun"
    volkswagen:"das auto" meaning drivers
    so apart frm VW nd coz of d title:connect is "think"..

  3. Ummm......I will have to 'THINK' about the taglines......

  4. apple:think different
    kotak:think investments think kotak
    ibm:i think therefore IBM
    taco bell:think outside the bun
    volkswagen:::who wud've thunk, volkswagen became the world's most valuable company after exceeding the total value of exxon mobil's net stocks...

  5. even volkswagon has started a "THINK BLUE" initiative.


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