Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daily Trivia #484 Ode to a diva..


ans. it is Florence Brudenell Bruce,for more read Aparajita's/Saket's answer.


  1. I remember asking this as an audience ques in the Technieek quiz few years back when she was not lucky enough to be linked with the 3rd one.

  2. Florence Brudenell-Bruce
    Appeared in Imtiaz Ali movie,Love aaj kal.
    Jenson Button ex-girlfriend.
    Fashion Giant mulberry approached to design a handbag.

  3. Florence Brudenell-Bruce ,ex-girlfriend of Jenson Button.She recently earned a multi-million pound modeling contract and has been approached by British fashion giants Mulberry so that she can help them design a handbag after her name.

  4. The "diva" in question here is Florence Brudenell Bruce.
    She played the role of saif Ali Khan's girlfriend in love aaj kal, a movie directed by Imtiaaz ali. She has also dated Jenson Button( the cute guy in picture here). And due to her recent "close friendship" with prince harry, The fashion house Mulberry want to launch a handbag line named after her!

  5. Jenson Butoons Girlfriend played the role of saif ali khans girlfriend in the movie Love aj Kaal.


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