Friday, March 30, 2012

Daily Trivia #547 F*** Logic!

Let us see how much crap you have accumulated from the Internet. Connect:


  1. spongebob squarepants characters showing aptronym characterstics :P:P

    1. What's an aptronym? I no English. I no graduation.

    2. huh! u (k)no(w) english?!!?!
      aptronym=then moderator's name= "tall man" :)
      spongebob squarepants showing "sinful" characteristics!

  2. seven deadly sins is the movie in development by Frederator studios which makes cartoon content for the nickelodeon channel.

  3. Spongebob is what I had in mind, but the Frederator connect seems right too (a little boring though). The seven principle characters of Spongebob Squarepants have been modelled over the seven deadly sins. Interestingly, Spongebob represents lust!


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