Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daily Trivia #578 The Endgame

This post marks the end of the Dominos Coupon Race. Between September 13 and 29th, whoever leads gets a wildcard entry into the General Quiz Finals to be held in Pantheon, September 30.

1. Connect: (5/5)

2. Connect to a person and funda: (4/5) 

3. Again, connect: (4/5)


4. And once again, connect: (5/5)



1. Oldboy, the Korean Movie. Alexander Dumas wrote the Count of Monte Cristo, which has the same premise of imprisonment and revenge, also the name of a track from Oldboy. Sanjay Dutt, played the lead in Zinda, inspired by the same; and Ella Wheeler WIlcox, "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone."

2. Clint Eastwood. Opened for Mitt Romney, directed the movies Letters from Iwo Jima and Flags of Our Fathers.

3. Smile Pinki, the Academy Award winning documentary; features the work of Smile Train and Ossur provided the blades for 'Oscar' Pistorius.

4. The only two Bollywood movies where, umm how should we put it... the leading ladies bared their bosoms on camera, and the censor board was okay with it.


  1. 1. Oldboy(Korean film)

    The story of Oldboy has echoes of Alexandre Dumas' classic tale The Count of Monte Cristo.
    sanjay Dutt's movie Zinda is a remake of Oldboy.
    The opening lines in Ella's poem "Solitude" are recited in Oldboy.

  2. 1. Barack Obama
    The pictures depict a war being waged by Mitt Romney obviously against Obama.

  3. 2)Clint Eastwood: he is helping Mitt Romeny with the presidential election .The 2006 Hollywood film titled Flags of Our Fathers, directed by Clint Eastwood which tells the life stories of the flag raisers, depicts Rosenthal's involvement in the events that led up to his taking the iconic flag raising photograph on iwo jima

  4. 2. Paul Ryan... It is the name of the running mate of mitt romney as well as paul ryan was the name of a survivor of the battle of iwo-jima

  5. 3. Wolff Olins... This is the company which designed the Tata logo... They also did branding for the London Paralympic games in which Ossur was a major supplier of the Flex Foot Cheetah- the carbon fibre blades worn by oscar pistorius and other amputees

  6. These movies are infamous for nudity scenes. Mandakini in 'Ram Teri Ganga Maili' and Deepa Sahi in 'Maya Memsaab.

  7. 1. Oldboy - Track used in it called Count Of Monte Cristo written by Dumas, famous quote by Wilcox used many times in the movie, Sanjay Dutt movie Zinda supposedly copied from Oldboy.

    2. Clint Eastwood - Endorsing Mitt Romney, delivered controversial 'Invisible Obama' speech. Directed movie 'Letters from Iwo Jima'.

    3. Jaipur Foot (unsure).

    4. Nudity in Bollywood.

  8. Oldboy movie??
    loosely based on dumas' count of monte cristo...
    Zinda, the sanjay dutt starring movie is said to have been plagiarised from this movie!

  9. ossur and smile train...both help making life easier for ppl with disabilities???this is prettygeneric...i might come back again wid a better connect!

  10. 1.Connection is the korean movie oldboy.

  11. US Presidential Candidate from republican Party at the 1944 Presidential Elections- Thomas E. Dewey


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