Thursday, September 13, 2012

Daily Trivia #579 I Know Not Who I Am

Connect (5/5):



  1. all of dem feature compositions by bulla shah...

  2. chhaiiya chhaiya from dil se..
    bulla ki jaana main kaauuun by rabbi shergill..
    bandeya hoo bandeya from khude ke liye...
    ranjha ranjha from raavan!!

  3. Bulleh Shah... Rabbi Shergill sang Bullah ki jaana... Chaiyya chaiyya from dil se, ranjha ranjha from raavan and bandeya ho from khuda kay liye are all inspired from Bulleh Shah's verses

  4. Bulleh Shah.....
    Khuda Kay Liye's "Bandya ho",Dil Se's "Chaiyya Chaiyya",Rabbi Shergil's "Bullah ki jaana" nd Ravan's "Ranjha Ranjha" ......all songs based on Bulleh Shah's poetry.

  5. Bulleh Shah.
    Bulleh Shah's verses have been used in songs like "Chaiyya Chaiyya" and "Thayya Thayya" in Dil Se.., and "Ranjha Ranjha" in Raavan. The 2007 Pakistani movie Khuda Kay Liye includes Bulleh Shah's poetry in the song "Bandeya Ho". Rabbi Shergil's popular number Bullah ki Jana completes the connect.

  6. all 4 movies, khuda ke liye, dil se,rabbi and raavan had songs that used verses from the kafis of Baba Bullen Shah

  7. Bulleh Shah
    Khuda Kay Liye- bandeya Ho
    Dil Se-Chaiyya Chaiyya
    Rabbi Shergill-Bullah Ki Jaana
    Raavanan-Ranjha Ranjha
    All these are Bulleh Shah's works.

  8. Verses from the kafis of Baba Bulleh Shah.

  9. Bulleh Shah. Poems and verses used in songs of respective movies: 'Bandeya Ho' in Khuda Kay Liye, 'Chaiyya Chaiyya' in Dil Se, 'Bulla Ki Jaana' by Rabbi Shergill and 'Ranjha Ranjha' in Raavan.


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