Thursday, September 20, 2012

Daily Trivia #584 'Stars Speak'

Whose Family ?? (3/5)


  1. Perseus= Husband
    Pegasus= Husband's ride
    Cassiopeia= Mother
    Cepheus= Father

  2. Andromeda.

    Husband - Perseus
    Father - Cepheus
    Mom - Cassiopeia
    Husband's Ride - Pegasus

  3. Andromeda

    1. mother is Cassiopeia
    2. father is Cepheus
    3. husband is Perseus
    4. husband's ride is Pegasus

  4. Andromeda.
    In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Perseus was his rescuer who later married her. The last constellation is Pegasus, Perseus's ride.

  5. Andromeda
    Mother -Cassiopeia
    Father - Cepheus
    Husband - Perseus
    Husband's ride - Pegasus

    1st constellation is CASSIOPEIA who was mother of ANDROMEDA.
    2nd constellation is CEPHEUS who was father of ANDROMEDA.
    3rd constellation is PERSEUS who was husband of ANDROMEDA.
    4th constellation is PEGASUS who was the horse of PERSEUS.

  7. Andromeda

    Mother: Cassiopeia
    Father: Cepheus
    Husband: Perseus
    Husband's Ride: Pegasus

  8. Andromeda's husband Perseus and his ride Pegasus.
    Mother Cassiopeia
    Father Cepheus

    these were the constellations mentioned by Ptolemy and remain in 88 modern constellations.

  9. Andromeda's husband Perseus and his ride Pegasus.
    Mother Cassiopeia
    Father Cepheus.

    All constellations were part of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century Greek astronomer Ptolemy, and remains in the 88 modern constellations


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