Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daily Trivia #599 Reverse Curve

Connect all of these pics & the title to a particular event (4/5)


  1. Red Sox
    1.Lost episode : the glass ballerina
    Red sox are said to have won.
    2.Babe Ruth:'Sultan of swat'-Played for Red sox
    3.Dave Roberts : another Red sox player.
    4.Curt Schilling: 'The bloody sock'
    5.Michael Thomas : Fottballer-Arsenal
    also called the 'reds'.


  2. The curse of bambino( Boston Red sox failing to secure a world series title for 86 years)
    1. lost(s3 e2): Red sox won the world series
    2.Babe Ruth(the bambino):curse began after his sale
    3.Dave roberts( curse said to be reversed after his stolen base)
    4.Curt schilling( 'bloody sock' )
    5.arsenal: known as the boston red sox of soccer

  3. They are linked to the Curse of the Bambino and the 2004 Boston Red Sox victory which broke the curse

  4. The Curse of the Bambino which refers to the Boston Red Sox's inability to win the World Series in the period from 1918 to 2004

  5. 2004 World series win by Boston Red sox( curse of Bambino Reversed)

  6. Boston Red Sox had been one of the most successful professional baseball franchises, winning 5 World Series titles durin 1903-18 But after they sold Babe Ruth(The Bambino)to the Yankees they went without a title for decades, as the previously lackluster Yankees became one of the most successful franchises in North American professional sports.
    When a road sign on the city's busy Storrow Drive was vandalized from "Reverse Curve" to "Reverse The Curse, officials left it in place until after the Red Sox won the 2004 world Series.
    the famous steal by Dave Roberts & the pitching of Schilling despite a bad ankle guided them to victory (4-3) against Yankees in 2004 despite being down 0-3.
    Fever Pitch(2005) is a film abt this famous win which is a remake of a '97 British movie focusing Arsenal's last minute title win


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