Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daily Trivia #601 'Grow up!'

Name the person and place these clues point to.


  1. Michael Jackson.
    Neverland(where he allegedly raped and sexually abused minors)

  2. person is michael may be los angeles

  3. person is michael jackson n place is los angeles

  4. Michael Jackson, Neverland.

    Captain Hook -> Peter Pan -> Neverland

    His estate is called Neverland.

  5. Michael jackson
    Neverland Valley Ranch

  6. Answer : PETERPAN, NeverLand.
    NOT Michael Jackson (his picture was a clue, not an answer).
    Michael Jackson owned the Neverland Ranch.
    Captain James Hook had a hook for a hand in the story.
    A 'kiss' is referred to as a 'thimble' in the story.


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