Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Daily Trivia #608 'Cameos'

Each picture shows a snapshot of a cameo scene. Identify the movie as well as the person in each of the pics.







[ Question Qourtesy : Mrinal Ranjan, Sourabh Bhagat and Vishesh Srivastava, 2k10 ]
[ QUARK 13.01.13 ]


  1. Mike Tyson-Hangover
    Real Chris Gardner-Persuit of Happiness
    Stan LEe-Daredevil
    Richard Branson-Casino Royale
    Van Halen-2.5 men

    Bas itna hi aata hai...2nd answer google krna para ki naam kya tha

  2. Mike Tyson-Hangover
    Real Chris Gardner-Persuit of Happiness
    Stan LEe-Daredevil
    Richard Branson-Casino Royale
    Van Halen-2.5 men

    Bas itna hi aata hai...2nd answer google krna para ki naam kya tha

  3. Mike Tyson-Hangover
    Real Chris Gardner-Persuit of Happiness
    Stan LEe-Daredevil
    Richard Branson-Casino Royale
    Van Halen-2.5 men

    Bas itna hi aata hai...2nd answer google krna para ki naam kya tha

  4. mike tyson -hangover
    Chris Gardner-the pursuit of happiness
    Martin Scorsese taxi driver
    stan lee daredevil
    richard branson casino royale
    eddi van halen two and a half men
    lance armstrong dodgeball
    bill murray zombieland

  5. cameos by various celebrities playing themselves in movies and tv series.
    1-Mike Tyson in the movie Hangover.
    2-original chris gardner in the movie in pursuit of happiness.
    3-martin scorcese in the movie taxi driver.
    4-stan lee in the movie daredevil.
    5-richard branson of virgin group in quantum of solace.
    6-eddie van halen in two and half men.
    7-lance armstrong in dodgeball.
    8-Bill murray as himself.

  6. 1. mike tyson : the hangover
    2. chris gardner : pursuit of happyness
    3.taxi driver: martin scorsese
    4. daredevil: stan lee
    5.Sir richard brenson: casino royale
    6. eddie van halen: two and a half men
    7. lance armstrong: dodgeball
    8. bill murray: zombieland


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