Wednesday, May 22, 2013

#10 Connect Mania !

a) Connect (2/5)

b) Connect (3.5/5)

c) Who's next ? (2.5/5)


  1. a)All named their sons Rohan after Rohan Kanhai


    c)Colin Farrell

  2. The first connection is Rohan Kanhai
    Both Sunil Gavaskar and Bob Marley named their sons after him

    The connection is AK47
    Kirilenko is nicknamed AK47, the flag of Mozambique has AK47 in it

    The third answer is Colin Farell
    All those have played Alexander the Great in biopics

  3. 1. Rohan Kanhai
    All 3 named their sons after him.

    2. AK-47
    Andrei Kirilenko #47, nicknamed AK-47
    Kalashnikov, inventor of the gun
    Mozambique has the gun on its flag

    3. Colin Farell
    People who've played Alexander in chronological order.

  4. Adding to the second answer, the middle pic is of Mikhail Kalishnov, the maker of the AK47

  5. 1.) all people have sons named rohan in honour of legendary cricketer rohan kanhai

    3.) colin farrell played alexander the great after these actors

  6. a: bob marley,kalicharan and sunil gavaskar all names their son, honour of rohan kanhai
    c:Colin Farrell(all play lead role as alexander)

  7. 1. Rohan Kanhai.....both Bob marley and Sunny named their son after Rohan(centre).

    3. Colin Farrell....all depicted the role of Alexander.

  8. 1. Gavaskar, Kallicharran and Bob Marley named their sons after Rohan Kanhai

    2. Andrei Kirilenko - most overpaid player
    Mozambique flag has AK 47- most used gun

    3. collin farrell - actors who have played alexander the great in films

  9. 1. Gavaskar, Kallicharran and Bob Marley named their sons after Rohan Kanhai

    2. Andrei Kirilenko - most overpaid player
    Mozambique flag has AK 47- most used gun

    3. collin farrell - actors who have played alexander the great in films

  10. Answers :

    a) Rohan Kanhai - Bob Marley, Alvin Kallicharan and Sunil Gavaskar named their sons in honour of Rohan Kanhai.
    b) AK-47. Andrei Kirilenko is nicknamed AK-47. Statue of Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the gun. AK-47 features on Mozambique's national flag.
    c) Colin Farrell. People who have portrayed Alexander the Great in movies.


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