Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lets Begin with an easy one!!


 Q1. There is no connection between them but somehow people like to listen to them more than ‘Meira Kumari’.
    ID the persons.
Maximum Marks :20


  1. Sandip Vinayak Prabhu-Voice of Bigg Boss
    Carol Ann Susi-Voice of Mrs Wolowitz

  2. Voices of Big Boss and Big bang theory (Howards Mom)

  3. 1st one is carol ann suzi,(rohit chakraborty)

  4. Voice of Mrs. Wolowitz(Howard's Mother) in BBT - Carol Ann Susi;
    Voice of Bigg Boss - Sandip Vinayak Prabhu

  5. Carol Ann Susi- voice of Mrs Wolowitz in BBT.

    Sandeep Vinayak Prabhu- voice of Big Boss.

    i hope the stars do not stand for sm1...

  6. Carol Ann Susi - Voice behind Howard's Mom in BBT.

    Sandeep Vinayak Prabhu - Voice of Big Boss.

    Neither of them have appeared before the camera.

  7. 1)carol ann suzi(TBBT)
    2)sandeep vinayak prabhu(bigg boss voice)
    -Rohit Chakraborty

  8. 1)carol ann suzi(TBBT)
    2)sandeep vinayak prabhu(bigg boss voice)
    -Rohit Chakraborty

  9. Carol Ann Suzie, Howard's Mom
    and Vinayak Prabhu, Bigger Boss

  10. And I tried to post answers before too
    please check in the issue

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Carol Ann Susi- The voice of Mrs. Wolowitz
    Sandip Vinayak Prabhu- The voice of Bigg Boss

  13. the women is Carol Ann Susi voice of Howard's mother and the guy is sandeep vinayak voice of big boss!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Carol Ann Susi
    Sandeep Vinayak Prabhu

  16. The voices of Big Brother and Bigg Boss respectively.

    Indian guy - Sandeep Vinayak Prabhu
    The woman -

    And are we really supposed to comment our answers because there seems to be no other medium specified by you guys to post our answers.

  17. The voices of Big Brother and Bigg Boss respectively.

    Indian guy - Sandeep Vinayak Prabhu
    The woman -

    And are we really supposed to comment our answers because there seems to be no other medium specified by you guys to post our answers.

  18. Sandip Vinayak Prabhu
    plays the voice of big boss.

    Carol Ann Susi
    plays the voice of Mrs. Wolowitz (Howard's mother) in Big Bang Theory.

  19. 1. Carol Ann Susi: howard's mother in bbt

    2.Sandeep Vinayak prabhu: Big Boss's voice

  20. 1. Carol Ann Susi: howard's mother voice in bbt

    2.Sandeep vinayak prabhu: voice of big boss

  21. Sandip Vinayak Prabhu - voice of big boss.

  22. Comments from UT and estee are already taken into consideration.

  23. Well, I checked my answer here again
    I think the Autocorrect in my phone had changed Bigg Boss to Bigger Boss, hope thats not an issue! :P


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