Monday, June 3, 2013

#15 'Unconventional'

Connect (4/5)


  1. All are humorous or unconventional units of measurement.
    helen is a unit of beauty
    warhol is a unit of fame
    sagan (cosmos) is a unit of anything big
    friedman (the world is flat) is a determination of iraq's future

  2. Humourous Units.

    1. Helen: Beauty that launches a thousand ships.

    2. Warhol: Fifteen minutes of fame.

    3. Sagan: Billions of billions.

    4. Thaum: Magical energy needed to conjure a pigeon or 3 billiard balls. (From Discworld, Terry Pratchett)

  3. Something related to Art?

  4. the hero with a thousand faces

  5. unconventional or humurous units of measurements
    warhol-fame or hype
    sagan-a large quantity of anything

  6. Unconventional units of measurement :

    Helen of Troy - beauty.
    Warhol - fifteen minutes of fame.
    Sagan - unit of anything which has a large quantity.
    Friedman (author, The World is Flat) - duration of six months.

    Further reading :


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