Sunday, June 29, 2014

SS Super Sunday #6: Why Do We Fall?


Identify A - L
No sequence as such, just follow the breadcrumbs.
Scoring: +3 Points for each correct answer. +20 for all correct answers.

  1. In the book A, there is a race of people whose name means a crude, brutish, obscenely coarse person.
  2. Link these people to "B and C's Guide to the World Wide Web".
  3. D links A, B and C to a popular online service some use even today.
  4. D made a merger with E, one of the most famous tech companies around today.
  5. E makes a product whose direct competition is product F.
  6. G, the founder of F, released the very first issue/bug in F, which directly targeted the product made by E and marked it as one of their main challenges. This bug was closed recently in May 2013.
  7. The product F is a variety of a particular piece of software H, which is at the core of several other software. Take note of "core", which is a hint at what H could be.
  8. H has spawned a very famous question which goes like "Does I use H?"
  9. Funnily enough, I is a "part of" or included with H and is claimed to be a better approach to mobile adhoc networking.
  10. I spawned a famous meme, based on an alternate reality where J is responsible for I's miserable situation and "Proving J's guilt is my whole mission in life!"
  11. L is the link between J's nemesis K and Facebook. (lateral thinking. VERY lateral)


  1. A - Gulliver's Travels
    B - David
    C - Jerry
    D - Yahoo
    E - Microsof
    F - Ubuntu
    G - Mark Shuttleworth
    H - Linux
    I - Batman
    J - Superman
    K - Lex Luthor
    L - Jesse Eisenberg

  2. A - Gulliver's Travels
    B - Jerry
    C - David
    D - Yahoo!
    E - Microsoft
    F - Ubuntu
    G - Mark Shuttleworth
    H - Linux
    I - Batman
    J - Superman
    K - Lex Luthor
    L - Jesse Eisenberg

  3. A – Gulliver's Travels
    B – Jerry
    C – David
    D – Yahoo
    E – Microsoft
    F – Ubuntu
    G – Mark Shuttleworth
    H – Linux
    I – BATMAN
    J – Superman
    K – Kryptonite (Intel)
    L – Microsoft?

  4. A - Gulliver's Travel
    B - Jerry (Yang)
    C - David (Filo)
    D - Yahoo! Inc.
    E - Microsoft
    F - Ubuntu
    G - Mark Shuttleworth
    H - Linux
    I - B.A.T.M.A.N.
    J - Superman
    K - Lex Luthor
    L - Jesse Eisenberg (playing Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman and played Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network).

  5. A- Gulliver's Travels
    B- Jerry Yang
    C- David Filo
    E- Yahoo
    F- Ubuntu
    G- Mark Shuttleworth
    H- Linux
    I- B.A.T.M.A.N
    J- Superman
    K- Lex Luthor
    L- Jesse Eisenberg

  6. The answers are:

    A - Gulliver's Travel
    B - Jerry (Yang)
    C - David (Filo)
    D - Yahoo! Inc.
    E - Microsoft
    F - Ubuntu
    G - Mark Shuttleworth
    H - Linux
    I - B.A.T.M.A.N.
    J - Superman
    K - Lex Luthor
    L - Jesse Eisenberg (playing Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman and played Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network).


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