Sunday, July 12, 2015

Super Sunday 5: A Game of Blanks

+4 for individual blanks,+20 if everything is correct

A and B were long-term contenders of C for thousands of years.Usually the A prevailed over the B but all this changed in the wedding of D(male) and E(female) also known as the ‘F’ when G of B stabbed H of A by saying,”The I send their regards”.The A and B are part of the First Men who worshiped the J while I are regarded as the K who worshiped the L.Related to this realm,is the Wall which is said to protect it from the M.To tackle this menace the prophecy has it that there will be an Azor Ahai(a person who will lead the army who will defeat the M).According to fan theories and speculations,there are 4 contenders for Azor Ahai,N(a person who is somewhat related to A),O(a self proclaimed princess),P(who has a pet whose name is coincidentally something opposite to the term which is considered doom in this realm,he again is related to A),Q(a person who led 2 failed campaigns,one against I and the other against B).The person Q has 2 brothers,one is R who led a successful rebellion and S who was homosexual and after R’s death commanded the largest army in Westeros with the help of T who was also involved in the defeat of Q against I.Finally U of T and V were responsible for the death of W(a sociopath who was related to R by name but I by blood) .This event was called ‘X’ with a word in common with ‘F’.


  1. A: HouSe Stark
    B: House Bolton
    C: Winterfell
    D: Edmure Tully
    E: Roslin Frey
    F:The Red Wedding
    G: Roose Bolton
    H: Robb Stark
    I: Lannisters
    J: Old gods of the forests
    K: Andals
    L: Faith of the seven
    M: White Walkers
    N: Theon Greyjoy
    O: Daenerys Targaryen
    P: Jon snow
    Q: Stannis Baratheon
    R: Robert Baratheon
    S: Renley Baratheon
    T: Loras Tyrell
    U: grandmother
    V: Lord Petyr Baelish
    W: King Joffrey Baratheon
    X: The Purple Wedding

  2. A Starks
    B Boltons
    C Iron Throne
    D Edmure Tully
    E Roslin Frey
    F Red Wedding
    G Son (Roose Bolton)
    H Son (Robb Stark)
    I Lannisters
    J old gods of the forest
    K Kings of the rock (pre-Wars of the conquest)/Lord of Casterly Rock
    L seven faced god (The faith of Seven)
    M Wildlings
    N Jon Snow
    O Daenerys Targaryen
    P Bran Stark
    Q Stannis Baratheon
    R Robert Baratheon
    S Renly Baratheon
    T Tyrells
    U Elderly Matriarch of Tyrell Family (Olenna Tyrell)
    V Petyr Baelish
    W Joffrey Baratheon
    X Purple Wedding

  3. The Right answers are
    A Starks
    B Boltons
    C Warden of the North
    D Edmure Tully
    E Roslin Frey
    F Red Wedding
    G Roose Bolton
    H Robb Stark
    I Lannisters
    J old gods of the forest
    K Andals
    L seven faced god (The faith of Seven)
    M White Walkers
    N Jon Snow
    O Daenerys Targaryen
    P Bran Stark
    Q Stannis Baratheon
    R Robert Baratheon
    S Renly Baratheon
    T Tyrells
    U Olenna Tyrell
    V Petyr Baelish
    W Joffrey Baratheon
    X Purple Wedding


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