Monday, June 24, 2019

Sleeping with the stars


  1. This is related to the space funeral from the Falcon rocket.Ashes of Gordon Cooper,astronaut and the actor from star Trek were blasted into space.

  2. Gordon cooper(project mercury astronaut) and james doohan(star trek's scotty), both of their ashes were launched together into the space from a COTS Demo Flight 2, in a FALCON 9 rocket into the space,they were among 308 others. Ealier their ashes were together launched in a FALCON1 rocket which failed in 2 mins flight

  3. The acceptable answers are Celestis and Space burial/funeral.
    Images 1 and 4 are actor James Doohan and astronaut Gordan Cooper respectively, both of whose ashes were sent into space by space burial company Celestis. SpaceX's recently launched Falcon Heavy rocket carried the ashes of 152 of Celestis's clients' ashes to space. The third image is the iconic scene of Spock's space burial from Star Trek: Wrath of Khan.


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